Why I Buy Organic

Why I Buy Organic
People wonder if shopping organic is really THAT important and I say, “heck yes it is”. When farmers use pesticides on the plants they grow, those chemicals seep into the soil, water and even the air we breathe, basically, they affect everything around us. Numerous studies have shown that pesticides can negatively affect the nervous system, increase the risk of cancer,  and are endocrine disruptors that could be ultimately affecting things like the thyroid or reproductive hormones. There has also been evidence of pesticides decreasing fertility and affecting fetal development. Pesticides have been linked to neurological and behavioral issues in adults and children. To read more about pesticides and their connection to diseases, click here

Shopping organic has been very important to me, and is even more so now that I am pregnant. I want to make sure that I am not harming myself or my baby with dangerous pesticides. Organic farming allows the soil to be healthier and more nutrient dense leading to healthier fruits and vegetables. Not to mention organic produce just tastes better, which is not just a matter of opinion, studies have actually shown this to be true!  When selecting organic produce, sometimes cost can be an issue. In that case I recommend referring to the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 lists. Here is a link to read about them and refer to a handy graphic. The idea behind these lists is that there are some fruits and vegetables that have been tested and shown to have higher amounts of pesticides. When buying this produce, you should always try to buy organic. The Clean 15 chart lists produce with the least amount of pesticides or those that have a skin around it so that when you do eat the produce inside you are getting less pesticides. These lists are updated periodically and are always a good resource.

Pay the farmer

Supporting local farmers is another thing that is so important to me. I want to encourage them as they purposefully grow organic fruits and vegetables, knowing that it is better for us and the environment. One way I do this is whenever I get a chance I always go to local farmer’s markets (plus it is so great to meet the actual farmers, they are pretty cool people!). Farmer’s markets also encourage me to eat produce in season, which I love doing because I can hardly think of anything better tasting than a fresh vine ripened red tomato or a handful of plump blackberries grown as nature intended. So, be sure to search your area for local farmers markets and find out when they are set up so you can go experience the lively environment and support local farmers. Also, www.eatwild.com is a great resource for finding local farmers in your area. 

Support the farmers

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